Sunday, 22 September 2013

Artist - Luke Dixon

Luke Dixon is one of the best artists that creates prints for clothes. All his pieces are awesomely detailed and you can a hell of alot of work has been put in. Some of his pieces relate to famous people and pop culture icons while the rest are weird bear / wolf people, all made with nice fine liners and biro's. His work was so inspiring and really contributes to alot of the inspiration for my body of work. He sells his pieces on shirts and jumpers and even has his own beanies! His website for all his purchasable clothes is called "The bear hug co." and he sells all his gear at really low prices! I have him on facebook were he regularly posts pictures of his work and designs in process! This is a really good way to be involved with his followers and is really cool to see in my news feed rather than all the other spammy crap. Seeing this guy make all these clothes on his own just from his designs was really motivating and is the main inspiration behind me and my friends summer project to create our clothing line!

 Main websites - Facebook

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